Age: 124
7869 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
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Lahore, Pakistan
What can fiber do for me, and how much do I need to eat? That is a big question !
We know that fiber reduces the risk of developing colon and rectal cancer. We also know that soluble fiber can lower cholesterol levels. To what extent the amount of fiber needs to be added to the diet is not clear yet. Moreover the unconfortable effects of increased amount of fiber in diet has also to be taken into consideration.
With the present kowledge it can be concluded that men or women who smoked less, exercised more, and ate less saturated fat and cholesterol, as well as more fiber can to some extent help in reducing the heart attack risk.
The American Health Foundation promotes a 25/25 diet—no more than 25 percent of calories from fat and at least 25 grams of fiber a day. Getting that much fiber each day isn't particularly difficult. But after ramping up fiber intake, many people have abdominal bloating, cramping, loose stools, and flatulence.
It's certainly wise to include high-fiber foods in your regular diet, but the evidence just isn't there that going overboard with fiber is worth the potential abdominal discomfort
Age: 124
7869 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
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Lahore, Pakistan
Role of Fiber in Fighting Heart Disease In a study Boston researchers suggest yet another reason for eating plenty of fiber—it may lower the risk of having a heart attack.
Several smaller studies have shown a similar connection. Unfortunately, this larger study still doesn't settle the crucial question of whether fiber itself confers some protection against heart attacks.
The type of fiber also appeared to play a role. There are two kinds of fiber: Soluble fiber comes from plant gums and saps that can dissolve in the intestine's fluids, while insoluble fiber comes from the indigestible walls of plant cells. According to this study, insoluble fiber was more important than soluble fiber, and insoluble fiber from grains or breakfast cereal was more important than fiber from fruits and vegetables.
Note: Carrots and celery should be cut into 1/4- by 1/4- by 3-inch strips. 1. In a large bowl combine zucchini, onion, carrot, celery, radishes, and salt. Cover with cold water and let stand 45 minutes. Drain thoroughly. , 2. In a large pot combine vinegar, sugar, celery seed, fennel seed, mustard, and pepper pods. Bring to a simmer. Remove from heat and pour over vegetables. Let cool, then refrigerate at least 1 day. To serve, lift vegetables out of their brine with a slotted spoon. Transfer to relish trays or bowls. Vegetables may be stored, in their brine, and refrigerated, for up to 1 month.
Cut 8-inch pita circles in 6 wedges; split each wedge, brush with garlic oil, sprinkle with 1 teaspoon grated Parmesan cheese, and bake in a 375 degree F oven until crispy and lightly browned (about 5 minutes).
Age: 124
7869 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
Points: 0
Lahore, Pakistan
( Meat Keema ) Ingredients
1 l b of minced meat 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil 3 large onions 1 cup of shredded white cabbage 1 cup of chopped carrots 1 cup of chopped celery stalks and leaves 2 teaspoons grated ginger half teaspoon grated garlic teaspoon turmeric powder a few green chilies
Method Fry 1l b of minced meat in 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil until it is cooked through Let it stand. Chop fine 3 large onions and add it to the mince together with 1 cup of shredded white cabbage, 1 cup of chopped carrots, 1 cup of chopped celery stalks and leaves, 2 teaspoons grated ginger, half teaspoon grated garlic, -teaspoon turmeric powder, and a few green chilies (optional). Mix thoroughly and cook, uncovered, in a preheated oven on gas mark 4 for 45 minutes. Remove from the oven. This was a popular dish in Bombay and was made with minced lamb, but minced beef or chicken would do just as well. Garnish with chopped coriander leaves and serve hot with relishes.